How Much Do You Know
How Much Do You Know
About Childhood Obesity
Did you know nearly 1 out of 3 children in the United States are obese or overweight before their 5th birthday? With the prevalence of obesity steadily climbing the charts one can only question why obesity would be increasing so quickly. The answer to this is that there are, “many factors usually working in combinations,” (Mayo Clinic). Childhood obesity child can lead to a number of problems not only during childhood but have later in adulthood as well.
There are many health concerns with being overweight in general. However, concerning obese children it is important to understand that their weight is reducing the quality and even length of their lives already at such a young age. Obese children run the risk of developing diabetes type II, cardiovascular issues, and sleep apnea to name a few physical illnesses. According to the CDC, in a population based sample of 5-17 year olds 70% of obese youth showed risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But we also have to think about the, psychological damage they could face such as, “stigmatization and poor self-esteem,” (, Aug 2015). These children also run the risk of becoming obese as adults. This increases their risk for a number of cancers, stroke, and joint problems.
There are obvious causes of childhood obesity such as the child’s diet and exercise routine but there are also factors people don’t take into consideration like socioeconomic status and school factors. When we think about obesity from a socioeconomic standpoint we think in terms of limited means and access to resources for not only nutritional food but also safe places and equipment to use. This stands true for the school as well. In a low socioeconomic area the school will have less money to afford up to date PE or playground equipment. There are also other ways schools are enabling the childhood obesity rate by their participation in reducing physical education requirements and taking away recess.
There are plenty of ways to get involved and help lower the prevalence of childhood obesity. Such as volunteering your time as a mentor for programs like Jump Rope for Heart, Let’s Move, and S.T.E.P.S.
For More Information visit these websites:
Prevention/Wellness Programs. (2008). Retrieved September 20, 2015.
"Obesity Prevention." Center for Disease Control. Center for Disease Control, 27 Aug. 2015. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.
Childhood Obesity. (2015, April 10). Retrieved September 18, 2015.
Serdula, M., Ivery, D., Coates, R., Freedman, D., Williamson, D., & Byers, T. (n.d.). Do Obese Children Become Obese Adults? A Review of the Literature. Preventive Medicine, 167-177.
Very useful tips for reducing childhood obesity!
Great info! I like that there is a focus on changing habits throughout the entire family to help tackle childhood obesity. There are some great tips in here as well.
Thanks you guys, I know a lot of people want to blame it on one aspect of a child's life but it can't be solved with just parent or school intervention.
Great post! I watched a documentary on this! its due to the sugar intake! Look at the food label on whatever you are eating, does it show the daily percent value? no! exactly!! We consume to much sugar! honestly if we cut soda and a bunch of sugary food we could decrease obesity. In addition, it bothers me when people make it seem like obese people are lazy! I know obese individuals that workout everyday and try to eat healthy but can't loose the weight. There is a such thing as sugar withdrawl, which is the same as coffee and drugs! Its hard to go from 50g of sugar a day to 10g!
It's so important for parents to model good behavior for their children! Health providers should stress good health for the whole family because children will often want to eat what their parents are eating and model their behavior.
Great info. You are absolutely right that obesity starts by family and community influences at home. The fact that 1 in 3 children will be clinically obese before their fifth birthday is quite an astonishing fact and is sure to surprise and amaze anyone who reads it. Simply opening with that fact would have been a better hook than a "Did you know" beginning, which is one of the weaker options. Other than that, it was written very clearly and would be quite impactful to a family like the one you describe.
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