Holistic Student Wellness in Medical and Dental School
You’ve been accepted to graduate school and are ready to embark on your new adventure towards professionalism. You quickly fall into the swing of things and begin studying and learning an immense amount of information in a short amount of time. After a month of built-up stress, lack of sleep, and constant studying you decide you may not actually be cut out for this after-all. Well, I’m here to tell you that you are wrong and you do have what it takes you’re just not “balancing your equation.”
You can do this by focusing on seven areas of wellness:
One of the most important aspects of overall wellness is your physical health; if your physical health is down it can negatively affect many other areas of your health. To maintain optimal physical health you should be physically active at least 30 minutes of every day and eat a well-balanced diet including 5 servings of fruits and vegetables (Cdc.gov, 2015). Now, everyone knows that working in physical activity and attempting to eat healthy can be a very daunting task, but there are ways you can make it more interesting and appealing. For example, try some new recipes if you don’t like eating raw fruits and veggies or make a smoothie and hide unwanted flavors. To get in enough physical activity workout as a group with some friends or try something new you’ve never done before such as hiking, a yoga class or canoeing.
Your social health also ties in with your emotional and environmental health. Being locked in your room for hours at a time studying can cause some serious mental exhaustion. Sometimes the best thing for you is to step away and meet up with some friends, have a beer or two, and just enjoy the company of others.
Many students often forget their growth as a professional is an important part of their schooling. Growth as a professional helps you build your social and connecting skills. Consequently, this will help build your confidence and increase your emotional health. Buy some new clothes, dress yourself up, and start connecting with other professionals. You never know what these connections may do for you in the future.
This one may seem like an obvious one, as how could intellect not play a part of learning? Well you might find yourself falling into a routine of worrying about the bare minimum of what you need to know and forgetting to think outside the box. Challenging yourself intellectually helps you better approach situations in real life. Strive to learn as much as you can, but be sure and understand all aspects and be able to apply what you’ve learned.

To see what A.T. Still University is doing for their students to ensure their overall optimal health visit
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Schuster, T., Dobson, M., Jauregui, M., & Blanks, R. (2004). Wellness Lifestyles I: A Theoretical Framework Linking Wellness, Health Lifestyles, And Complementary And Alternative Medicine. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10(2), 349-356.
Still-Well Student Wellness Program. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2015, from https://www.atsu.edu/student_affairs/stillwell/overview.htm
excellent blog - medical students do need to take care of thehselves, so as doctors, they can take care of us
Graduate students do have some of the worst health habits as far as dealing with stress goes. Love the blog!
great blog! gosh I needed this! I stress myself out just by thinking about medical school applications! Its hard sometimes with everything going on but all the points in this blog, I have used at some point, and they have worked. Honestly my favorite is physical activity and Viewing school and this life as growth instead of a burden!
This blog was great and can also be applied across majors! It's hard to be successful in school and in life when you aren't taking care of yourself!
This is a great opinion on how to take care of yourself when in a high-stress environment. For college students, it is easy to lose balance.
However, it is just an opinion. I realize it is difficult to quantitatively argue something as conceptual as "wellness" but the writing itself comes off as completely opinionated. Your readers don't know your credibility and therefore you will have to convince them through your professional tone.
Also, please, please, please fix your run-on sentences. That would never pass in a professional environment, regardless of your field.
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