Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Physical Activity for the Family

The evidence is overwhelming. With nearly two thirds of the population overweight, Americans today are heavier than ever before. Fast food, frozen dinners, computers, television, and a constant need to be “on the go” bolster poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. These are the primary contributing factors to this major public health epidemic. An article written by the American Medical Association (2004) states, “If doctors could prescribe only one treatment to ensure a long, healthy life, it would be exercise” (p. 45). Physical activity holds numerous benefits both physically and mentally, and reduces risk factors that often lead to disease and premature death.  Environment has much to do with an active lifestyle, and children learn these behaviors early from their parents, peers, and teachers. Promoting healthy habits within the whole family can not only be enjoyable, but also will decrease the risk of common chronic illnesses and prevent obesity.
There are an infinite number of ways to promote fitness within the family. A major factor is reducing the amount of time children and parents spend watching television, working or playing at the computer, and playing video games. The National Institutes of Health suggests discouraging sedentary time by limiting screen usage to two hours or less per day (2005). Setting an established and agreed upon limit in the family, leads to clear expectations and discourages using television and computer as easy ways to cure boredom. It will force everyone to be more creative and come up with other activities (Dreisbach, 2011). Their input should be considered when brainstorming physical activities and ideas (National Institutes of Health, 2005). It is important that the pursuits of the family are geared towards the passions and interests of the children as this keeps them excited and engaged in the activities. Lastly, encourage the family to try new activities (Dreisbach, 2011). Finding new hobbies and sports for the family to enjoy will keep physical activity entertaining and enjoyable! 
American medical association (2004).Exercise, fitness, and health. American Medical Association Family Medical Guide (45-50). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 
Dreisbach, S. (2011). Family fitness makeover. Parenting School Years.  Retrieved from http://www.parenting.com
National Institutes of Health (2005). We can! Retrieved from http://wecan.nhlbi.nih.gov



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At 11/29/2011 7:53 PM , Blogger Joan said...

I like the last part of your blog stating to incorporate passions and interests with the physical activity. It is a lot harder to avoid exercise when you like doing it. Good Job!

At 11/29/2011 9:36 PM , Blogger Chelsie said...

I really like how you identified the individuals who can help curb this epidemic early on in your blog. Maybe if more parents, peers, and teachers were aware of just how serious this issue is becoming, they would take a more active stance on developing healthy habits with the children they interact with everyday.

At 12/01/2011 10:42 AM , Blogger carol cox said...

I completely agree with limiting the time of hours children spend in front of the television. I might sound old when I say this but I remember when I was a kid and I would spend my entire day playing outside. We don't really see this in today's society.
-Heather Wagner

At 12/05/2011 6:41 PM , Blogger Ali said...

I think this post speaks to a lot of families in the U.S. today. I love the idea of making physical activity a family practice. There's nothing better than some healthy, family bonding!

At 12/05/2011 8:21 PM , Blogger TSUHealthEducator said...

I think your idea of making physical activity is a great idea! I worked with the YMCA to promote adult programs and one of my selling points was that it is a great social activity as well as a way to get in shape. There's so many different family programs and events that families can do, not just at the Y, but everywhere, and with the obesity problem getting worse and worse, I'm not sure why people aren't getting into this more.

At 12/05/2011 9:21 PM , Blogger Alexa said...

I really like the last part of your blog that says encourage the family to try new activities. This is very true, just because the family does not like one activity does not mean they should give up and stop trying to find activity that the family does enjoy.


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