Saturday, October 01, 2011

Hunting and Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is the number one cause of outdoor illness during the summer months.  Temperatures in Adair County reach on average about eighty degrees in the summer, and with increasing humidity, heat exhaustion is a very real threat (Adair County Weather).
If heat exhaustion is left untreated, it may lead to heat stroke.  The key difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion is the presence of confusion and other mental status changes during heat stroke. During heat stroke, the neurological system is affected and can cause odd behavior, delusions, hallucinations, and eventually seizures or a coma. At the first signs of heat exhaustion, you should stop activity and cool the body by seeking shade, shelter or a cool room, and drinking cold fluids. Seek medical attention immediately if symptoms are severe (Heat Exhaustion Symptoms).

Heat exhaustion-symptoms. (2006). Retrieved from



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