Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Community Center Coming to Knox County

Knox County is home to 1,110 residents. Those residents have faced many challenges when it comes to getting regular physical activity. Because there is currently no indoor facility to utilize, residents have been influenced by weather, air quality, and time. Weather in Knox County follows general seasonal patterns; however temperatures from November to March are typically too cold for outdoor exercise. Snowfall also hinders outdoor physical activity during these winter months. On the other hand, temperatures have the potential to reach too high of a level during the months of June, July, and August for it to be considered safe to exercise outdoors. Air quality across Knox County does not fall below state levels, but because three of the largest industries in the area include construction, transportation, and warehousing, air quality could be a concern in areas near these industries. Outdoor exercise in these areas could be detrimental to health and would not be advisable. Knox County’s rural location has an effect on the amount of time residents have to exercise as well. Residents must spend a considerable amount of their day traveling to work, in fact, 36% of residents have a commute of 50 minutes or more. When this much time is spent being sedentary in a vehicle, it is difficult to make time to commit to physical activity. These are just a few reasons why Knox County is the perfect location for this new community center (Onboard Informatics, 2011).
            Once Knox County Community Center is built and open, residents will have access to high quality fitness equipment, including both cardiovascular machines and weight training machines. Residents will gain many benefits from having this equipment readily available. First, exercise controls weight, and since 30% of Knox County’s population is considered to be obese, this has the potential to really influence overall county health. Exercise also helps combat diseases such as diabetes, which Knox County has a higher rate than the state of. Exercise also improves mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and can even jumpstart a person’s sexual drive. The fitness portion will be open to all members of the community center and families will be encouraged to develop healthy habits as a unit (Mayo Foundation, 2011).
            Nutrition is also an area of health that the community center is hoping to target. The conference room will include a kitchen component in order to accommodate nutritious cooking lessons. Through nutrition promotion, residents will gain the education they need in order to reap the benefits of good nutrition. Benefits include having the fuel necessary to perform daily activities, providing nutrients for the body’s cells, growing and repairing tissue, reinforcing the immune system, preventing chronic diseases of lifestyle, maintaining good mental health, and ensuring healthy teeth and bones (Rooyen, 2007).
Knox County Community Center also plans to target worksite health as part of their comprehensive health campaign. Prior to the grand opening of the center, businesses and organizations in Knox County will be asked to partner with the community center. These partnerships will include a discounted membership to employees of contracted worksites. As a result of the partnerships, health insurance costs will be negotiated as well as breaks and lunch policies to accommodate daily workout times. By targeting worksites, many residents who may not have originally considered becoming a member will be influenced to examine the option (Tarek, 2009).
The final goal of the Knox County Community Center is to build community relationships in an effort to unite the residents. Seasonal competitions involving fitness goals will be facilitated through the community center and patrons will be encouraged to work out as a family unit or with friends. The conference room will be available for organizations to hold meetings and develop further ideas to benefit the community. The conference room will also be available for rent by individuals seeking a space to host a birthday party, reception, reunion, etc.
Knox County is very fortunate to be faced with an opportunity as beneficial as this. Through various goals, Knox County has the potential to become a healthier and happier community through the unity of health, education, and community.
Mayo Foundation. (2011, August 02). Fitness. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ01676/NSECTIONGROUP=2

Onboard Informatics. (2011, March). Knox county, mo. Retrieved from http://www.city-  data.com/city/Edina-Missouri.html

Rooyen, C. (2007, August). The benefits of good nutrition. Retrieved from             http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Diet_basics/15-1168-1173,34569.asp

Tarek, L. (2009, November). Worksite health promotion. Retrieved from     http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?lastName[1]=Rooyen&firstName[1]=C.&lastNam            e2=&firstName2=&lastName3=&firstName3=&lastName4=&firstName4=&lastName5=            &firstName5=&monthPublished=August&dayPublished=&yearPublished=2007&titleW            ork=The+benefits+of+good+nutrition&specialDiscriptors=&description=&url=http%3A   %2F%2Fwww.health24.com%2Fdietnfood%2FDiet_basics%2F15-1168- 1173%2C34569.asp&doi=&more=yes&reqsrcid=APAWebPage&reqstyleid=2&nameCnt            =1&mode=form



At 11/29/2011 6:55 PM , Blogger carol cox said...

The fitness center will be a great resource to runners during the winter months! Hopefully the cooking classes will increase awareness about creative and simple ways to cook at home.

At 12/03/2011 11:32 AM , Blogger carol cox said...

People in Knox County should be really excited for this awesome community center. It will help improve the health of many community members and offer them many new and beneficial programs.

At 12/03/2011 11:31 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

I didn't realize that the community center was more than just a fitness center. It is an excellent idea on their part to incorporate both fitness and nutrition in the center!


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