Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Strategies of the Heartland Task Force

“Strengthening Family/Community Ties for Substance Abuse Prevention” reduces substance abuse by addressing risk/protective factors as well as establishing new and strengthening old collaborations for prevention.
The HTF bases much of their strategy on the 40 Developmental Assets Initiative which emphasize the importance of positive experiences and characteristics youth need. This theory works to promote positive behaviors/attitudes and to protect youth from high-risk behaviors. Some examples of these assets would be support, empowerment, boundaries, constructive use of time, and positive identity. Visit
http://www.search-institute.org/assets/ to learn more about the 40 Developmental Assets.

Another strategy that is significant to the HTF is the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). There are five parts in this model. The first part is to Assess which includes a profile of the population, their needs, and available resources. The second part is the Build Capacity during which mobilization and/or build capacity is assessed in order to address needs. The third portion is the Plan stage where a Comprehensive Strategic Plan is developed. Fourth is the implementation where evidence-based prevention programs and activities are installed. The fifth and final stage is used to monitor, evaluate, sustain, and improve or replace the implementations.

In summary the SPF urges communities or coalitions to systematically:
1. Assess their prevention needs based on epidemiological data,
2. Build their prevention capacity,
3. Develop a strategic plan,
4. Implement effective community prevention programs, policies and practices, and Evaluate their efforts for outcomes.

To achieve these goals, the coalition has implemented the following strategies:

Examples of School-based Prevention Education Programs
o Middle School Prevention Team
o 3-D (Drugged, Drinking, Driving) Month Events
o Alcohol Awareness Month events
o Red Ribbon Week
o Smokebusters
o Al’s Pals
o Kick Butts Day
o Give support/resources for MAP Testing Incentives

Examples of Community Based Programs for Family and Youth
o Cyber Safety Workshops
o Social Marketing Campaign
o Mother-Son Stampede
o Daddy-Daughter Dance
o Drug-Free Family/Community Nights at the YMCA
o Substance Abuse Prevention Trainings, Prevention Summits, Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets Training; Televised Community Forum on Underage Drinking
o KTVO-TV Activities: Anti-Drug PSA Contest, Annual Health and Safety Expo
o Retailer Watch Program- ensure that illegal access to alcohol, tobacco and methamphetamine will be limited; Choices Have Consequences-collaboration among area law enforcement agencies
o Give support/resources for Developmental Disabilities Art Show, local After-Prom activities, 4-H Trophies, etc.

The strategies and interventions listed are not even the extent of the Heartland Task Force's activities. This organization is active and making a difference in the lives of the youth in Adair County, MO.
Please join us to prevent substance abuse and promote strong families and communities!

Anyone is welcome to join the Heartland Task Force. The coalition meets the second Monday of each month during the school year. Meetings are at 11:30 A.M. at the YMCA. If you have questions contact Matt Holt at (660)665-4224.

(2003). Search Institute. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from What are Developmental Assets? Web site:
(2007, January). SAMSHA NEWS. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from The Strategic Prevention Framework Web site: http://www.samhsa.gov/SAMHSA_News/VolumeXV_1/article9.htm

Hogan, Colleen (2009, February 12). Missouri still number one for meth. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Connect MidMissouri.com Web site: http://www.connectmidmissouri.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=259548


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