Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Truth about Alcohol-Impaired Driving

In 2006, 13,470 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes (CDC, 2009).

In 2007, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics (CDC, 2009).

Impaired driving not only puts the intoxicated driver at risk, but also puts every other driver on the road at risk. There are many personal choices you can make as a drinker or non-drinker to protect yourself from risky alcohol-related behaviors. The Missouri Department of Transportation has created a list of 8 tips for decreasing the negative effects of impaired driving (MODOT, 2008).

8 Tips for Decreasing Risk
1. Don't risk it - if you plan to drive, don't drink.
2. Encourage safe driving behaviors among family, friends and co-workers.
3. Choose a designated driver before partying. A designated driver is someone who drinks NO alcohol at all.
4. Take mass transit, a taxicab or ask a friend to drive you home if you have no designated driver and no other means of transportation.
5. Party hosts should include alcohol-free beverages for designated drivers.
6. Spend the night where the activity is being held if no other safe options exist. DO NOT DRIVE INTOXICATED.
7. Report impaired drivers to law enforcement.
8. Always wear your safety belt - it's your best defense against an impaired driver.
REMEMBER: Planning ahead of time who the designated driver will be is the easiest way to ensure everyone arrives home safely.

On a larger scale, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) compiled a list of effective measures for reducing deaths and injuries from impaired driving. One of those measures is implementing health promotion programs (CDC, 2009). The CHEERS program is just one program that encourages the use of designated drivers to decrease alcohol-impaired driving by using free drinks for designated drivers as an incentive. To learn more about the CHEERS program read the following blog post.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2009). Impaired Driving [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from

Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT). (2008, November 21). You Better Not Drink, You Better Not Drive You Better Watch Out, We’re Telling You Why [Press release]. Retrieved from action=displaySS&newsId=23727.


At 2/21/2009 11:28 AM , Blogger Ally said...

I appreciated that you included the 8 MODOT tips- I think the suggestion for party hosts to provide non-alcoholic drinks is something that often goes overlooked.

Also, I'm glad to see that the CDC is implementing health prevention programs aimed at eliminating impaired driving- great blog!


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