Monday, October 15, 2012

It's Your Smile. Protect It!

A smile is an amazing thing. A simple smile can speak volumes, bridging language, religious, and political barriers. It is something we all share and use daily, so it is important to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Sadly, many people do not practice the key ways to keeping your smile healthy.

There are four very important steps to take in order to keep your smile in tip-top shape.

Step 1 – Visit your dentist twice a year.

Going to the dentist helps you to catch and fix oral problems in their early stages. This can lead to faster and more cost effective interventions and treatments. (Sims, 2011) If not caught early, more serious problems which require more complicated and expensive treatment(s) and even tooth loss can occur.  (Sims, 2011) Visit your dentist at least once every six months for a thorough cleaning and examination.  (Why are regular dental visit important?, 2012)

Step 2 – Brush your teeth twice a day.

Brushing helps to clean plaque, food particles, and temporary stains off of your teeth. The American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day for two minutes each. Soft-bristle brushes are best as they reduce the irritation of gums and a new toothbrush should be used every three to four months. Be sure to brush all surfaces of the teeth, varying the motion of the brush. It is also important to use a toothpaste which contains fluoride to keep teeth healthy and strong.  (American Dental Association, 2012)

Step 3 – Floss your teeth once a day.

Flossing removes plaque from between the teeth, where your toothbrush cannot reach. If the plaque is not removed hardens and becomes calculus. There are several different products you can use to floss your teeth including typical dental floss, interdental cleaners, and special brushes. (American Dental Association, 2012)

Steps 4 – Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks.

High amount of sugar and acid in your diet can cause tooth decay. Limit the amount of high-sugar foods and sodas you drink to help keep your teeth strong and healthy. Limit snacking, if possible, and be sure to drink lots of water, as well. (American Dental Association, 2012)

By following these four simple steps, you will help to help prevent tooth decay and other oral problems and ensure that your mouth stays clean, fresh, and healthy for years to come. Keep on smiling!

Works Cited

American Dental Association. (2012). Brushing Your Teeth. Retrieved October 2012, from Mouth Healthy:

American Dental Association. (2012). Diet and Dental Health. Retrieved October 2012, from Mouth Healthy:

American Dental Association. (2012). Flossing. Retrieved October 2012, from Mouth Healthy:

Marcus, M. B. (2009, March 11). Many Americans say they forgo routine dental care. Retrieved September 2012, from USAToday:

Sims, J. (2011, January 13). Regular dental visits are important. Retrieved September 2012, from Delta Dental:,Delta72

Why are regular dental visit important? (2012). Retrieved September 2012, from


At 11/20/2012 5:40 PM , Blogger lauren said...

Good info! If you go to the dentist twice a year, brush twice a day, and floss once a day, is it ok to have acidic and/or sugary things in your diet? As long as it's not in excess?

Lauren Higgins


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