Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prevention of Sleep Deprivation

           Do you find yourself driving home from work at 6 or 7 in the morning? Are you a shift worker that has to work nights just to make ends meet? Well then you must know the feeling of driving home when all you what to do is go to sleep right then and there. You may not have the ability to change this situation but you can control the environment you sleep in and adopt habits to promote better sleep.
            The first helpful habit you can adopt is creating a regular sleep schedule. Make sure that you go to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time. You should continue to do this on your days off and on weekends to maintain this cycle. Eating large meals or drinking lots of liquids actually keeps you from sleeping. Your body starts to digest the food and liquids causing you to wake up for trips to the restroom. If you need to eat before you go to sleep it is recommended that you eat a small meal two hours before you go to bed.
            Many people reach for caffeine or a cigarette to keep them awake during work, but this actually causes you to get less sleep and leave you sleep deprived for the next day. It is recommended that you do not drink caffeine for 8 hours before you go to sleep and nicotine should not be consumed for several hours before sleep. Other people believe that reaching for a glass of wine or any alcoholic beverage will help them sleep. This could not be farther from the truth. Alcohol disrupts sleep by putting you to sleep quickly and then during the second half of your sleep cycle it causes you to awaken from dreams, toss and turn and have difficulty getting back to sleep.
            Exercising is a great way to increase sleep. Regular aerobic exercise (Running, jogging, biking etc.) can help you to fall asleep faster and get a more restful sleep. Naps are also encouraged. If you are unable to sleep enough during the day taking a 30 minute nap before work or during a break can help improve alertness and work performance. Healthy foods are also a better choice than fatty foods. When your body has to digest all the fat and grease from fast food it causes stomach problems or heartburn that can keep you awake.
            The environment you sleep in is very important to the quality of your sleep. The room that you sleep in should be as dark as possible. Your body wants to sleep at night and daylight causes restless sleep. Dark curtains and sleep eye masks can help solve this problem. Your house phone should not be in your bedroom and your cell phone should be turned off. Alert people in your house to what your sleeping schedule is and ask them to leave you alone during your sleep. The room you sleep in should be a comfortable temperature and your bed and pillows should be comfortable as well.
            After you get home from work do something to wind down such as taking a bath/shower, reading a book or listening to music. These relaxing activities can ease the transition between wakefulness and sleepiness. If these activities are repeated every night your body will develop this routine and know it is time to go to sleep. After doing something restful lay down to go to sleep with the lights off. If you do not go to sleep within 15-20 minutes get up and do something else. If you sit there and stress over not being able to get to sleep you will keep yourself awake.
If none of these tips help you, you might want to talk to your doctor about obtaining sleeping pills. This should only be done as a last resort and should never be attempted without asking your doctors advice first.
Mayo (2010). Adult Health. Retrieved from (2010). 10 Tips for Better Sleep. Retrieved from
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2010). Alcohol Alert. Retrieved from


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