Thursday, October 22, 2009

Facts on the Foster Care System and its Children

As our 31th president said, "Children are our most valuable natural resource;" yet every day our most valuable resource is placed in the temporary care of foster parents.

Due to unsafe environments, children need a surrogate family to provide for their well being. Foster families fulfill this important role by providing safe and caring homes to children who require long-term, temporary or emergency placements.

Over 510,000 American children are in foster care, taken away when their families were in crisis and couldn’t take care of them. However, there aren’t enough foster families to take all the children in, there isn’t enough money to provide them the things every child needs, and there aren’t enough people to simply cheer them up and give them hope for the future.

Missouri at a Glance
State Population             5,878,415
Population under18         1,424,830
Children in Foster Care         11,433

All the following information was gathered from the AFCARS data, 2006. The Administration for Children and Families (AFCARS) is a government agency headed by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. AFCARS collects case level information on all children in foster care.

Demographic Profile of Children in Care:

For the state of Missouri, there were 11,433 children in foster care in 2006.

Children can enter foster care at any age, from infancy up to 21 years, and most exit by the time they are 18 years old. In 2006, the median age of the children in foster care was about 10.2 years old.

AFCARS numbers have consistently shown a slightly greater percentage of boys than girls in foster care. The ratio of male to female children is 52 percent to 48 percent respectively.

Reasons children need Foster Care:

In 2006, Missouri had 93,054 total referrals for child abuse and neglect. Of those, 47,491 reports were referred for investigation. Out of the total investigations, 7,108 children were indicated as abused or neglected.

Child abuse can be defined as causing or permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child's body as well as, any communication or transaction of any kind which humiliates, shames, or frightens the child. Child neglect is the failure to provide for the shelter, safety, supervision and/or nutritional needs of the child. Child neglect may be physical or emotional neglect:

Physical neglect includes refusal of or delay in seeking health care, abandonment, expulsion from the home or refusal to allow a runaway to return home, and inadequate supervision.

Emotional neglect includes such actions as marked inattention to the child's needs for affection, refusal of or failure to provide needed psychological care, spouse abuse in the child's presence, and permission of drug or alcohol use by the child.

In 2006, 43 children in Missouri died as a result of abuse or neglect.

Average Length of Stay and General Outcomes:

In Missouri, the average time a child spends in foster care is estimated to be 2 years (26.4 months). About half of the children experience three or more foster care placements. A total of 1,597 children or about fourteen percent live in group care or institutional settings.

"Aged-Out," is a term used that refers to children who become of legal age and are no longer required to stay in the foster care system. These “adults” have a higher than average incarceration rate and a higher than average drop-out rate.

"When the system fails, the children are very likely to move out of the system into the juvenile justice system, into the welfare system, into the adult criminal justice system," says Richard Gelles, dean of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Social Work and one of the authors of the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act

If nothing changes… by the year 2020:
  •Nearly 14 million reported cases of child abuse and neglect will be confirmed
  •22,500 children will die of abuse or neglect, most before their fifth birthday
  •More than 9 million children will spend some time in foster care
  •More than 300,000 children will age out, some in poor health and many unprepared success in higher education, technical college or the workforce
  •99,000 former foster youth, who aged out of the system, will experience homelessness

If we truly believe the children are our future, that all life should be protected and no child should be left behind, we must put action behind our words.

Only together can we make a difference.

For more information, visit:


At 12/06/2009 6:11 PM , Blogger carol cox said...

I enjoyed your insightful quote about children being a natural resource, which I certaintly agree with. Also good visual blog appeal with images and graphs. Child abuse/neglect is a saddening topic that you often don't think about or forget about being a major issue. I'm glad your client is increasing awareness of the foster care system. I especially enjoyed you startling statistics listed at the end showing if no changes were made!

-Taylor Hoth

At 12/12/2009 11:58 PM , Blogger carol cox said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I actually have some friends who are foster parents. I think what they do is wonderful, and I know they are blessed by each of the kids. I would definitely consider it myself one day, because there are too many children out there who aren't loved... and I think that's the most important thing a child needs.


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