Monday, September 29, 2008

Bullying Risks

Bullying Risks

With the new wave of technology comes a plethora of new ways to bully. Bullying is a form of violence against another person. Violence has always been part of our society and it probably always will be part of our society. Bullying does not always have to be part of our society. According to the Stop Bullying Now website, bullying is usually recurring and includes:
• Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically
• Spreading bad rumors about people
• Keeping certain people out of a "group"
• Teasing people in a mean way
• Getting certain people to "gang up" on others
• Sending mean text, e-mail, or instant messages
• Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites
• Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone

Bullies that are male tend to be physically bigger than their peers and typically stronger. They also tend to have a higher self-esteem and a lower tolerance for frustration. Bullies generally have a pro-violence attitude and are physically aggressive. They usually have a strong need to dominate and have very little empathy towards the people they are targeting.

Parents of bullies have an extreme parenting style, they are either too permissive or to harsh on punishments. These parents tend to offer very little emotional support to their children. Parents who tend to not monitor their child’s activities or parents that have little involvement in their child’s life tend to have children who demonstrate bullying behaviors.

Males and females usually have very different approaches to bullying. According to one study, males tend to use the more physical aspects of bullying, for example, hitting, pushing, or shoving, while females demonstrated the more verbal aspects of bullying, including rumors and sexual comments.

For more information on bullying visit:


At 9/30/2008 11:12 AM , Blogger carol cox said...

You mentioned those who bully tend to have higher self esteem. Is there any evidence showing that bullies have lower self esteem and act they way they do to make themselves feel better than those they put down?

At 12/10/2008 5:32 PM , Blogger carol cox said...

i thought that the information on how parenting styles can effect bullies was good, maybe some tips on what to do if you find out your kid is being bullied?


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